Friday night, we CRASHED... I crashed majorly hardT and woke up early Saturday fully dressed &; in make-up. Shame Shame SHAME! I washed my face immediately when I woke up, and then went right back to the futon for more sleep! Once everyone else got up, we put on some clothes & headed to breakfast. Cafe Millano was AWESOME and inexpensive. I had the best Eggs Benedict i had ever had in my life... ok so it was the ONLY eggs benedict I'd ever had, so?
Then it was BEACHTIME! We were sprawled out on the beach for HOURS... enjoying the sites and sun
As LOVELY as it looks, the water was WAY cold!
Just a FEW clouds in the sky.
Moon over Miami!
After a few hours in the sun, we head back in to shower, change & EAT! BBQ Beach was on point! Despite not having any cornbread, our waiter made up for it in adorable looks and GREAT personality. We went to a rooftop party that was a lil bit boring so we took pictures & vamoosed to Ocean Drive. My friend's cousin had never been to Wet Willie's so we took here there. She didn't even come CLOSE to finishing her drink! We sat out & people-watched some more and called it a day. In between we met some great people & such, but because I am giving you all the VERY summed up summary, I won't bore you with all of that...
For Brunch on Sunday we went to Big Pink & got HORRIFIC service... *sigh* SUCH a disappointment because it was suggested that we go there... :( The food was just ok & it gave us enough fuel to get to Bayside to shop. We attempted to take the bus there, but it was taking too long, so we hopped a cab. Onthe way there, I was called by a friend of mine offering us tickets to Jazz in the Gardens, Tom Joyner's event. But we weren't prepared for that so we graciously declined. I was a little disappointed we couldn't got, but that was well made up for later...
We had fabo gelato by the water & perused the stores. I got a text from my friend saying that my R&B boo, Eric Roberson, would be doing a set at a venue on South Beach that evening. I was OVER THE MOON! We continued to shop & laugh & such... and then hopped a bus back to South Beach where we made friends with a blind guy that was happy to hear that we were so happy... lol
We perused Lincoln Road and had sushi near the fountain... GREAT TIMES! We got all jiggy fly & went to B.E.D. for our last night.
The AWESOME promoter for the event gave us sweet seats for one of the most EARGASMIC shows I've ever experienced... Eric Roberson intimate & acoustic?!?!?!?!! *fans self*
This was the setup:
And babyyyyyyy, when I tell you that thing was ah-may-zen!?!? Trust & believe I am not lyin or exaggeratin! That guitarist was great!
A PERFECTLY awesome ending to a PERFECTLY awesome vacay...
Shouts out to The Nassau Suite Hotel for the awesome upgrade & the cool staff! But most of all for the room that felt so much like home that we called it that!
There was a BIG living room too, but there are people in all the pics, so I left those out, HA!
And let's not forget the GREAT food:
And last but definitely not least D Mo, Erro & Ingrid B. for helping us end the vacation with a BOOM, POW, BANG!
Great wrap up, even better that I have my own personal memories. There will be inside jokes for YEARS to come. Special shout out to Gus at Nassau, Joel and the guy in AA @ BBQ Beach, Alex from the tattoo balcony and the jerk face at the Hookah spot. He tried to play us and got PLAYED!!!
lol.... I didn't even MENTION Hookah losah! he was the WORST! He didn't know not to mess with the BEST? lol
thanks much for making me dream about a vacation now. you suck.
but looks like you had an amazing time. soooo jelly over the Erro session *smile*.
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