Monday, January 6

I Haven't Written Much of ANYTHING- but I wrote a poem

HEY! Happy New Year!
I come to you all the day after a super intense panic attack that occurred in CHURCH of all places. I will be OK! But I wanted you all to know that anxiety is real and it can come for you at any point. I have mine most often when I am feeling overwhelmed or out of control of a situation and with all that is going on in my world and the world around me, it was almost inevitable.

I have not written much of anything in more than 8 months because I felt like I did not have much to say and some of my feelings, I was not willing to share. I have been going through some things... some great and some not-so-great but I have gone through them. I have gotten to a better place overall. Yes, despite the anxiety attack because I got up this morning, still anxious, and came in to work looking quite adorbs, if I must say so myself. As I sat down at my desk, which I am still in the midst of cleaning off from last year's foolery, I found a poem I wrote about 5 months ago. I haven't written any poetry in forever and I wrote this with the intention of reading it at an open mic, but I never did. So, I am going to share it here.


I Haven't Written Any Poetry
I haven't written any poetry
Since I let my heartsong go
The world has stolen my creativity 
Because everything around me is burning
Some things are a slow burn
While others are accelerated by the gasoline of hatred for my success in a world 
That was never designed to love me

I haven't written any poetry 
Since I thought I could love a man loyal
His smile was devious; yet my heart thought our interactions could usurp his utmost desire
To be sentient refuse with a sense of humor
And when I released him from my embrace 
And back into the world, he bit me
He was afterall a snake 
And he slithered away laughing

I haven't written any poetry
Since reality tv became my new escape
Watching people with talent struggle for something they love 
Opening their lives to cameras- vicarious trauma bonding
As I shouted, "Girl, same!" to the tv screen
Then winning the prize and fading into near-oblivion

I haven't written any poetry 
Since I grew up and out
Heavy with the expectations placed upon me 
By those that love me and know I will succeed
Because it's what I do
It's why I'm their fave
It's how I'm known
It's what's weighing me down
Heavy with the sustenance I purchase and prepare to fill the emptiness inside
That I am told only I can fill
So I try with a little love and a lot of pasta.

I haven't written any poetry
Since I switched to auto-pilot
The me you see has lost so much to age and rage and experience
And is now loosely and lazily navigating life
Through a fog of uncertainty
Out of fear of mediocrity
From a place of passivity
I move forward with cautious stupidity
Hoping that one of life's many, many tragedies
Impacts me and penetrates this apathy
And brings me back my poetry.


Take care of yourself. 
Go to therapy!
Continue to show up and push through. 
Better is coming, I believe it!