Friday, November 3

Still In Recovery

Sometimes even after the doctor gives us the okay and we go back to our daily lives we think we are better, but something happens to remind us that we are still in recovery.

I went to homecoming this past weekend. Up until that point I was only wearing skirts, dresses or leggings. I wore jeans all weekend. These jeans hit me RIGHT at my incisions. My incisions got irritated and I ended up sore. I thought I had set myself back, but my surgeon assured me this was to be expected. He told me to limit my activity. AGAIN! UUUUUGH!

I had been feeling so much better that I forgot I was recovering. I had gotten to a place in my healing where I thought I was okay. But I was reminded that I was not completely healed. I needed more time. This perceived setback made me feel so WEAK! I was doing so well. I was doing better. Now I am here at square 2. 

Recovery takes time. Recovery has stages. Recovery requires diligence. Recovery sometimes ebbs and flows. There are times when I feel nothing. And there are times when I have a dull aching reminder that I am still healing. These are not setbacks, they are reminders. 

Be more gentle with yourself and give yourself time to heal. When you get those reminders remember to take it slower, be more intentional in your recovery.... give yourself time to heal.

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