Friday, August 21

Poetic Potential

I wrote this high off my frozen yogurt buzzzzzzzzzz:


This has potential
To be as wrong
As it feels right.
I'm hanging on
Because you are
And that
Gives me faith.
I have got
To stop my words
From getting in the way.
I have got to enjoy
The right now
Right now
Whether it ends right now
Or continues... I must
Enjoy it all and
Soak it up, Take it in
Write it down, remember it
Cherish it for all of its
Potential amazingness
All of its potential disastrousness
All of its potentially infinite endings.
This may be the beginning to something...
Not sure what, or why,
or how
But that is perfectly o.k.
I have to keep remembering that
It's perfectly O.K.
Not to know the when and
Where of it all
As long as I enjoy
it all
Smile about it all
Be thankful for it all
Cherish it all
For all it is,
All it is not,
All it could be
All it may never be
All it has to offer

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